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Stuart O’Brien comments on ESG and climate change risk in Professional Pensions

Partner, Stuart O’Brien, has commented in Professional Pensions on ESG and climate change risk reporting, and the recently launched guidance from The Pensions Climate Risk Industry Group (PCRIG), of which he is chair.

Commenting on the PCRIG guidance, Stuart says, “This guide is being launched because there is a strong sense that trustees want to think about best practice but knowing where to start is quite difficult. Trustees are largely non-experts. How do they hold asset managers to account in such a complicated area?”

“Their job is to ask searching questions,” he says. “The trustees’ challenge is to ask the right questions and get the right information. The dial needs to move on that, and asset managers will respond to demand.”

Read the full article in the April 2020 issue of Professional Pensions here.

In addition to focusing on the PCRIG guidance, the article also features Sackers ESG and climate change for pension funds guide, which can be read here.