Mailing list

Sackers provides a range of free publications and updates. We also run various seminars, webinars and other events. You can join our mailing list to receive details by email or by post.

What would you like to receive and how?

You can let us know which of our publications and invitations you would like to receive by ticking the relevant boxes on our sign-up form.

How will we hold your information?

If you sign up to our mailing list, we will add your details to Sackers’ electronic database which is managed by our Business Development team. The team can be contacted at

What will we use it for?

The information on our database will only be used by Sackers and will not be shared with anyone outside of our organisation.

With your consent, we will use your information to send you publications and invitations in accordance with the preferences you give us at the time of signing up. We will also let you know about other Sackers’ special events or services which we think may be relevant or of interest, if you agree. We would like to be able to contact you by email or post. When signing up you will agree to how you want us to contact you.

What information do we hold?

When you sign up to our mailing lists we will keep your name and email address on our database, to send you what you have asked to receive. If you provided your job title and organisation name, at the time of signing up we will also keep that on our database.

If you would like to receive printed copies of our briefings, we will also keep your postal address on our database.

We also keep a record of the publications you receive, the events you register for and the events you have attended.

Updating, correcting and accessing your personal details

We want to make sure the information we hold about you is correct and up to date. You can correct or update your information at any time by emailing You can also request a copy of the information we hold about you on our database.

Changing your preferences

You can change your preferences or choose to stop receiving our mailings at any time by emailing

If you choose to stop receiving any mailings, we will remove you from our mailing lists but will retain your details on our database. We will keep your details on our database to retain a record that you do not want to receive any publications or invitations. We will not contact you for marketing purposes. If you would like your details to be fully removed from our database, contact us at the address below.


Sackers’ website uses cookies to enhance user experience and provide analytical information to help improve the site. Cookies are small text files containing numbers and letters that are stored on your computer, that improve the website experience for you, and help us by analysing which parts of the website our visitors find most useful. View our full Cookies notice here.


If you have any complaints about how we use your information, please contact us at the address below. You can also lodge a complaint with the UK’s Information Commission Officer at or by telephone on 0303 123 1113.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about the information we hold about you or need any assistance with accessing or updating your details, please contact us at Sacker & Partners LLP, 20 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7JE.