I advise both trustees and employers on a broad spectrum of DB and DC pensions issues. This work ranges from individual, technical queries through to complex projects, some of which can run for a number of years.

I am heavily involved with data protection and cyber security work for my clients. These are areas which, having been practising when sweeping changes to data protection law came into force, and in light of the ever-changing technical landscape, I find interesting and to be of increasing concern for clients.

I advise on the full suite of end-game options currently being considered by DB clients whether these be to run-on, engage in risk transfer work or to transfer to some form of DB consolidator. This is an area of my practice which is developing quickly, in particular with the advent of TPR’s interim regime for transfers to superfunds and favourable market conditions.

I have a passion for ensuring that members receive clear and accurate communications and, as a member of PASA’s Engagement and Communications Working Group, hope to drive change in the industry in this area. I also have a strong interest in equality, diversity and inclusion. I am a member of Sackers’ internal committee and manage our relationship with various external organisations that we support.

Recent experience

  • changes of pension scheme administrator
  • the closure of schemes to new joiners and/or future accrual
  • bulk transfers of both DB and DC schemes to master trusts and more conventional occupational pension schemes
  • GMP equalisation and conversion projects
  • liability management exercises, such as buy-ins/buy-outs, pension increase exchange exercises and the introduction of bridging pension options.

Qualified: 2014, England and Wales

Joined Sackers: 2015

Became partner: 2024