The Sackers Quarterly Briefing Q3 2022 highlights significant developments in pensions, covering key areas such as pensions reform, regulatory developments, new legislation and cases.

In this briefing

Current legal agenda

Spotlight: single code of practice

Pensions dashboards

Pension transfers and scams

DC update

  • Call for evidence on “Helping savers understand their pension choices”
  • Driving value for money in DC pensions
  • Updated guidance for DC scheme returns

ESG and climate change update

  • Schemes to measure and report on “Paris alignment”
  • Penalties for breach of climate-related reporting requirements
  • Schemes can be doing more in respect of the “S” in ESG

In other news

  • New DB funding and investment strategy
  • Overseeing investment consultants and fiduciary managers
  • New PASA GMP equalisation guidance on past transfers

Age discrimination case