Westminster and City conference – ESG in Pensions

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Stuart O’Brien, will join the panel at the Westminster and City conference on ESG in Pensions.

Currently the DWP has made it mandatory for larger schemes with assets over £5 billion to disclose their climate change strategies but this is likely to pave the way for all pension schemes and the industry as a whole to consider incorporating ESG and improve market practices.

This virtual conference will debate and guide you through this with: regulatory updates from The Pensions Regulator and Financial Reporting Council on climate risk disclosure requirements; industry experts on balancing risk and return with ESG compliant investment strategies; and case studies from schemes that are actively incorporating sustainable investing, whilst improving shareholder engagement and stewardship.

Cost: £275 (+ VAT)

Register on the Westminster & City website.


10:00 - Conference commences

16.30 - Conference ends