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PPF Risk Based Levy changes – move to Experian

Introduction On 20 March 2014, the PPF issued an announcement giving information about its move to replace D&B with Experian as its insolvency risk provider and explaining what schemes can do to prepare. In this Alert: Key points  PPF...

PPF’s levy determination for 2014/15

Introduction The PPF’s levy determination for 2014/15 was published in December 2013. In this Alert: Key points  Contingent Assets Re-characterisation of money purchase benefits Key dates Action Looking further ahead Key points From...

2014/15 Pension Protection Levy Consultation: Sackers’ response

Background The PPF published its consultation on the 2014/15 Pension Protection Levy Determination on 5 September 2013.  The PPF’s intention is that the levy parameters are unchanged for 2014/15, meaning the total levy will be £695...

PPF: Assessment of Guarantor Strength & the Impact of Insolvency

Introduction In December 2012, the PPF revised its contingent assets guidance (the “Guidance”) for the levy year 2013/14, with the aim of giving schemes “a better steer” on what to consider when planning to use...

Contingent Assets 2013/14: Revised guidance on certification of guarantor strength

Introduction The PPF has revised its contingent assets guidance (the “Guidance”) for the levy year 2013/14 with the aim of giving schemes “a better steer” on what to consider when planning to use guarantees as...

2013/2014 PPF levy consultation

Introduction The PPF’s recent consultation document sets out the basis on which it intends to charge the Pension Protection Levy (the “Levy”) for the 2013/14 levy year. In this Alert: Key points Why is the levy rising?...

GMP Equalisation Consultation: Sackers Response

Background The DWP’s consultation on equalising groups includes regulations and a possible equalisation method which propose changes to the Equality Act 2010 and the Pensions Act 2004 (the Acts) to remove the requirement for a...