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Hot Topic: Pensions tax – transitional tax-free amount certificates – July 2024

6 April 2024 (“LTA-Day”) marked the end of the LTA and the debut of two new tax-free lump sum allowances: the “lump sum allowance” (“LSA”) and the “lump sum and death benefit allowance”...

Hot Topic: Pensions tax – getting ready for LTA-Day – February 2024

The Finance Act 2024 paves the way for the LTA’s demise from 6 April 2024. But this brings with it a number of complications, the key one being where to draw the dividing line between tax-free lump sums and taxed lump sums. This Hot...

Consultation on options for DB schemes

Introduction On 23 February 2024, the DWP published a consultation seeking views on proposals to make it easier to make payments from DB scheme surplus to sponsors and scheme members and a model for a public sector DB consolidator run by...

TPR’s consultation on Dashboards compliance and enforcement policy

Hopefully you’ve already read our recent blog on the key dashboard decisions that should be on a trustee board’s agenda for 2023 and all will go well on this challenging project. But what if things don’t go as planned? Late last...