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Hot Topic: Pensions tax – transitional tax-free amount certificates – July 2024

6 April 2024 (“LTA-Day”) marked the end of the LTA and the debut of two new tax-free lump sum allowances: the “lump sum allowance” (“LSA”) and the “lump sum and death benefit allowance”...

Hot Topic: Pensions tax – getting ready for LTA-Day – February 2024

The Finance Act 2024 paves the way for the LTA’s demise from 6 April 2024. But this brings with it a number of complications, the key one being where to draw the dividing line between tax-free lump sums and taxed lump sums. This Hot...

Consultation on options for DB schemes

Introduction On 23 February 2024, the DWP published a consultation seeking views on proposals to make it easier to make payments from DB scheme surplus to sponsors and scheme members and a model for a public sector DB consolidator run by...

New DB funding code – it’s all about the journey

The key to all good sagas is a little longevity. A fast start, plenty of meandering and then a crescendo finish. Something like that, anyway. Take the new DB funding regime. The idea of tougher standards was catapulted into pensions...

TPR’s consultation on Dashboards compliance and enforcement policy

Hopefully you’ve already read our recent blog on the key dashboard decisions that should be on a trustee board’s agenda for 2023 and all will go well on this challenging project. But what if things don’t go as planned? Late last...